Chinese Idiom大dà惊jīng小xiǎo怪guài Posted by NIHAO Categories Chinese Idioms Date 2020-10-31 Comments 0 comment 大(Dà)惊(jīng)小(xiǎo)怪(guài)成语-大惊小怪_denoised.mp3 “大惊小怪”形容对于不足为奇的事情过分惊讶。 ‘Dàjīng-xiǎoguài’is used to describe being surprised at something apparently normal. 大(dà): big 惊(jīng): surprised; amazed 小(xiǎo): small 怪(guài): strange Examples例句: A: 啊?这套房子要二十万块一平方米啊! B: 没什么大惊小怪的,房子的地段好。 2. A: 你知道吗?在他们家里,每天都是她先生做饭。 B: 你太大惊小怪了。现在男人做家务的可不少啊。 Share: NIHAO [NIHAO] is designed for non-Chinese speakers who wish to learn Chinese in a fun way. Previous post Chinese Radicals Series方fāng 2020-10-31 Next post Chinese Idiom纸zhǐ上shàng谈tán兵bīng 2020-11-01 You may also like Chinese Idiom目mù中zhōng无wú人rén 2 November, 2020 Chinese Idiom纸zhǐ上shàng谈tán兵bīng 1 November, 2020 Chinese Idiom岂qǐ有yǒu此cǐ理lǐ 30 October, 2020